Thursday, June 10, 2010


hey guys!

just got sent the images from the latest magazine shoot i did with brother and sister tech genius duo, matt and amanda macnaughton from culture jam. we shot the images at my house, here in pasadena, and had a blast! i have actually known the macnaughtons since i was about 13 - which is only about 5 years ;)

we were shooting a feature for riverside magazine, and knew we had a chance to get the cover also, so we went to work.

we shot a bunch of different setups - and as usual, i had my faves helping me
wardrobe stylist, sarah hawkins and
makeup and hair stylist, julie murray

well, we ended up getting the coveted cover spot, and a great feature inside! here is our story!

what do you think?
many thanks to amanda and matt, jerry rice from riverside magazine, and of course to sarah and julie for doing such a great job!


1 comment:

  1. Very nice! And congrats on getting the cover. I'd like to be laying on the grass in the sun right now....ah I love summer!
