went to austin, texas recently to shoot a tv pilot. it was pretty tiring, but i'm still floating from that weekend's events!
as i mentioned right before i left, my good friend
dean zulich invited me to be a part of his most current project - a tv pilot for a photography-based show. the team was incredible - an award winning director,
marko slavnic, an nfl star, some of the best creatives in the business, and me, as the host!
i learned a lot this trip - how to operate on nearly zero sleep, how it's possible for weather in austin to change on a dime, how much i like creamed corn from a certain restaurant in texas, how to count cards, and the art of improv.
here are a couple pics from my travels..

learning how to count cards in the airport, from my new friend scott

the weekend started out with me arriving in austin (it could not have been hotter/more humid) and being picked up by dean's awesome assistant keith! this is how i was greeted...

not a bad start, right?!
so then, we were off to the best burger joint in austin,
your mom's. it was so good, i can't even tell you! here is julie and me drinking our mexican coke - the big bottles!

after that, we headed to the house that was rented for us to settle in. my dear friend, and hair/makeup artist, julie murray was bunking with me, which made the weekend so much fun - she kept me beautiful and sane. :)
we kinda just bummed around the house for the rest of the day, and met the people we would be working with. call time the next morning was 6am, so we were off to bed early!
the next morning, it was a whirlwind, loading the rv, hair and makeup, and of course, rolling out to our 10 million dollar location. the location is the set for the movie, tha alamo. it took 2 years to build, and 10 million dollars. here are a few shots...

the day was long, and the weather was strange...first, it was freezing cold and windy, then it warmed up and rained! you never know with austin, especially given that the day before was scorching...we were thankful for the cooler weather. here are a few shots of us in action...

we had an absolute blast, and i can't wait to see the final product. as of now, the show is not attached to any networks, but we definitely think it has a bravo, lifetime, or even discovery vibe to it! so, if you want more info, want to give us lots of money to make a tv show, or know someone that does, let me know! i will keep you all posted - pun intended!
pics courtest of keith hente and sarah elizabeth - thanks!!