wanted to share the final images from diane's maternity shoot last month. she is such a gorgeous mommy to be (of twins!), but don't take my word for it...
is she gorgeous, or what?! can't wait to meet her boys, noah and dylan soon!
yes, it's true, i missed coachella. for those of you who dont know what coachella is, it is the biggest 3-day music festival in california. just to give you an idea of who played this last weekend...here is the poster
and beyonce showed up to sing with jay, thom yorke played some radiohead...the list literally goes on and on for how dope it was. i had vip passes, and i missed it.
but i didnt care.
know why?!
i became an aunt for the first time!!! some of you are gasping...'WHAT?! YOU MISSED THE WHOLE 3 DAY FESTIVAL?!', but some of you know exactly why i don't care even a little bit, and why i was literally at the hospital for all 3 days. becoming an aunt for the first time is one of the most amazing moments i have had in my life so far. i can only imagine that having my own is the one thing that can top it - ok, and getting married too! i was the second person to hold her (after my sister and her husband)!! she is the most perfect little angel i have ever seen, and i am still in awe of her.
here we are together for the first time
so, yeah, i'm sure coachella was amazing, but i'm pretty sure my weekend was even better. and i will apologize to madison in advance...you will have a camera in your face for the rest of your life, sorry. :)
just wanted to share a video that got emailed to me of the original promo for 'the shot' back in 2007. it brings back lots of memories. i guess i should dig out some of my images from the show that you may not have seen! those will follow soon
wanted to share another video from an editorial i did for the winter 2010 issue of eliza magazine. this shoot was a dance movie inspired story, meaning, we chose some of our favorite dance movies and re-created moments from each film. the shoot ended up taking 4 days to complete, so we have broken down our behind the scenes videos into separate parts. here is the first!
grease and breakin'
and here are the images...
what made this shoot so cool (besides the obvious), is that we used models AND real dancers! in fact, some of the best, most recognizeable dancers in the world.
our beautiful model for grease, was natalie fabry, and our gorgeous breakin' model was kate herman
as usual, the team was awesome, gia harris on makeup, nikki providence on hair, and nra kudelka on wardrobe. thanks to alex smith, my assistant on these two movies, and to nicholas bentley for the amazing video.
so, as you know, i had a shoot for the hundreds fall 2010 that will run in their magazine later this year.
it was awesome, i had a great crew, and the hundreds crew is always a good time to be around. of course, i cant show you ANYTHING yet, but here are some images that bobby took....
so much desert, so little time
keelin and sarah
my feet
john shooting vid
the coolest kid in the world
i like what i see
keelin shooting vid
cleaning up our mess
me, up in smoke
a moment of silence
more to come! cant wait to show everyone what we did, and who my models were!
today is a super busy day...i am on location shooting for the hundreds. not gonna tell you too much, other than it is gonna be awesome, and i am shooting guys this time!
i am really excited to finally collaborate with the hundreds, and cant wait for everyone to see what we have dreamed up.
i will keep everyone posted, we are shooting a video, and when the issue comes out, i will expect you all to go out and get it...ok, not really, but that would be cool. anyway, behind the scenes stuff to come.
in the meantime, the heart and soul of the shoot is built around the idea of urban displacement...marinate on that one, and check out some of my inspiration images...
hello! so, i decided to post this bad boy up, because many of you may not have seen it, AND, nick just finished editing a little behind the scenes video! let me know what you think!
here is the radical video!
here are the final images!
and i can't forget to give a shoutout to my awesome team! thanks guys!!!
this week, i got to shoot denise and john, they were a very interesting couple, to say the least.... everything was going great, until he pulled a gun on me...
bwahahahahahha april fools!!! is this image creepy, or what?!