so, i got inspired by my friend
rachel rose desimone to do a 'day in the life' post. so, here is my (yester)day...hope you enjoy!

wake up in the morning, feeling like p. diddy...not quite...

i woke up at 7am, to let luda out in the backyard to play...back to bed. up again at 8:30 to let her back in...she barks by my window to let me know she wants to snuggle again. after some snuggle time, we get up.

shower and coffee time...i would be lost without my french press! notice the is pictures of me, nick and luda - compliments of nick's parents. i have the best almost family-in-law ever!

i see this every morning in the kitchen. a great reminder, and how cute is our dia de los muertos heart?!

decided to make a yummy veggie scramble. seriously delicious.

a little note i wrote to nick when i was's on our fridge, along with tons of other notes, cards, and magnets of all the places in america he went on tour with his band,
the delta fiasco. right now, they are in austin, tx, playing at sxsw (south by southwest), a huge music festival. i miss him.

after breakfast, i take my coffee and luda outside for a ball throwing session...

i noticed how beautiful my garden is looking from all the rain...the orange blossoms smell sooooo good! i think it's time for a bbq!

THEN i noticed the gardening luda decided to do when i wasn't looking....not happy.

scolded her, but went back to zen

then it is time for some computer work...

i am suddenly interrupted by my creepy neighbors watching films...LOUDLY! haha

got ready, and headed over to sarah's for a quick bite, and then we were gonna head to see our friend, and brilliant poet,
sophie sills do a reading of her personal work. it was really amazing, and i am so glad that i went. by the way, isn't sarah's collage amazing?!

we ended our night at club tee yee, a dive i had never experienced was a good time.

i ended my day in pj's, on the couch with my furry little was a pretty mellow day!
hope you enjoyed, i will be doing this every once in a should try taking pics of everything you do sometime! you dont realize how much you actually do in a day, and all the beautiful things you see!!